Gwen's Leather/BDSM/Fetish History TimeLine


Gwen Hardy’s timeline is so extensive it was causing the timeline app to lag or fail entirely. To remedy this issue and make the information a little easier to find and use, we have separated her timeline into sections for your ease of use. 

1900 BCE to 1939    1940 to 1949     1950 to 1959     1960 to 1969     1970 to 1979     1980 to 1989     1990 to 1999     2000 to 2008  

We also have this information available in a database format that can be searched and sorted. 

1900 BCE to 1939    1940 to 1949    1950 to 1959     1960 to 1969     1970 to 1979     1980 to 1989     1990 to 1999     2000 to 2008