"After approximately 4 years of gathering information from various sources, I am finally prepared to show others what I call my scrapbook. This incorporates the majority of the work that Tony De Blasé included in his original version of the leather history timeline. Portions of his timeline have not been used and information from other sources has been included. The information from other sources is indicated at the end of each item. If the item has not been referenced to another source, then it is from Tony De Blasé’s timeline.

This has been my attempt to join both the heterosexual and homosexual history of the BDSM/ Fetish/Leather Lifestyles. What originally started out as a personal interest hobby turned into a major project. Though this project does not cover all aspects of the BDSM/Fetish/Leather lifestyle, it does include a majority. This project will continue to grow as I stumble across more and more information.

The words on these pages are not my words, but instead those of others who have researched this lifestyle. Again, my main focus was to combine the information that had been obtained from both the het and homosexual sides of life. As I have found information as well, I have included that in this scrapbook as well. But as you thumb through all the pages of this scrapbook, you will see the difference between this and anything else you have seen in the past. It indeed is a scrapbook of our history." -- Gwen Hardy on the original Colors of Leather website.
19807Publication of Man2Man magazine by Jack Fritscher, it lasts for 8 issues (Ghardy)
19802The 15 Association formed in San Francisco by David Lewis and others. It is an all male group dedicated to SM activity.
1980321Cynthia Slater & Susan Thoraen rent the Catacombs for the first mixed gender, mixed orientation SM play party. It is a success and the parties continue until the Catacombs closes.
1980418The lesbian community in San Francisco holds a public debate on sadomasochism. This is the first known public debate on lesbian sadomasochism.
19808Brian O’Dell publishes a letter in New York City’s Gay Community News, which leads to the formation of GMSMA.
19809Dungeon Master #6 includes the phrase "safe and sane scenes" to describe the objectives of the Safety Valve column. Safe and sane S&M is a phrase often used in subsequent issues to describe the objectives of the publication.
19801110Publication of a little magazine Z by Jack Fritscher, which lasts for eight issues.
19801110A homophobic man fires an Uzi into the crowded Ramrod bar on West Street in New York City, killing one and injuring many leathermen.
198012Gay Male S/M Activists officially organized in New York City, and holds it’s first public meeting on January 14.
1980Cruising, a movie staring Al Pacino, depicting murder and violence in Leather bars and among leather men, opens in New York City, to loud protests by gay demonstrators.
1980Publication of B&D Quarterly (GHardy)
1980Publication of Bloody Tower by Larry Townsend
1980Publication of Delineation of Lesbian Rights Issues 1980 by the American woman’s rights group National Organization for Women (NOW), confirming every women’s right to the actualization of her sexuality but excluding sadomasochism. NOW states that including sadomasochism would violate the feminist principles on which it was founded, and claim that sadomasochists are trying to provide a premeditated structure for violence.
1980Publication of Directory of Dominatrixes begins. (GHardy)
1980Publication of Fetish Times Gazette
1980Publication of Harry Chess Vol. 1, magazine sized book collection of the wonderful witty cartoon strips by A. Jay.
1980Publication of Lords of Discipline by Pat Conroy. Ritual of hazing gone awry in a military school
1980Publication of Mister Benson by John Preston
1980Publication of Potpourri of SM 5 by Larry Townsend
1980Publication of Sexual Variations by Chris Gosselin & Glenn Wilson
1980Publication of SM / SD (Victor Terry Stories) by Larry Townsend
1980Publication of Suspended by House of Milan. (GHardy)
1980Publication of The Barn, 1948 And More Dirty Pictures by Blade. A catalog published jointly by Stompers and Leslie-Lohman gallery
1980Publication of The Slaves by Larry Townsend
1980Publication of Top Comedy & Bottom Burlesque Bruce by N. Duncan. Collection of cartoons on SM
1980Publication of Waiting for the Barbarians by J. M. Coetzee. An unnerving novel of torture and the other.
1980Publication of What Color is Your Handkerchief by Samois. This anthology on SM was the precursor to Coming to Power. (GHardy)
1980Publication of the first issue of Mach magazine by Alternate Publishing. (GHardy)
1980Bar openings include CCW, Detroit; J’s Bar, NYC, and Rawhide, NYC. DC Eagle moves to 7th St. NW.
1980Silver Anchor Enterprises, Inc. begins piercing jewelry business out of Ft. Lauderdale.
1980AMSF Paris Button
1980Casualty Capers (club unknown)
1980Barbary Coasters Constantines Joint Run
1980A San Francisco Public Broadcasting channel (KQED-TV) produced and ran a documentary on BDSM by Phil Bronstein called One Foot Out Of the Closet. This was the first time in San Francisco that any television program showed viewers what the “real world of SM” was like. (Society of Janus Website)
1980The American Sociologist G. W. Levi Kamel theorizes that gay sadomasochists develop their interests in a six-step career that begins with disenchantment with the vanilla gay community.
1980Formation of Bacchus St Louis, MO
1980Formation of BlackHawks MC Rock Island, IL
1980Formation of Centurions LL MC Roanoke, VA
1980Formation of FFA – FGC Miami, FL
1980Formation of Foot Fraternity Cleveland, OH
1980Formation of Golden Showers Association New York
1980Formation of Gulf Coast Buccaneers MC Mississippi
1980Formation of Hybreds Rochester, NY
1980Formation of National Association of Black and White Men Together
1980Formation of Northern Lights Edmonton, CAN
1980Formation of Rangers Motor Club Brisbane, Australia
1980Formation of Renaissance Men Detroit, MI
1980Formation of SMBB International Australia
1980Formation of Stingrays MC Ft Lauderdale, Fl
1980Formation of Sundance Cattle Co Houston, TX
1980Titles: Drummer Val Martin
1980Titles: IML Patrick Brooks of Australia
1981109Chicago Hellfire Club holds Inferno 10 under canvas at a new location in Douglas MI on Columbus Day weekend. It is too cold for outdoor nudity! Bill Kerr of New York City receives the first Caligula Award.
198154Time magazine publishes an article entitled “Stomping and Whomping Galore,” Sadomasochism comes out of the closet – whips, chains and all. The article is about the Chateau, a two story house in west Hollywood with a nondescript exterior and an exotic interior, four dungeons, full of racks and pillories, cages, whipping posts, shackles and wooden crosses for spread eagling clients. The Chateau is co-owned by Kalleen Hiller and her husband James, who also runs a similar establishment in San Francisco. (GHardy)
198165Morbidity & Mortality Weekly announces the mysterious presence of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in five gay men in Los Angeles.
198173The New York Times publishes the first article on “the Gay Cancer”, the first public news of what was to become known as AIDS.
1981710Folsom Street Fire occurs. Mark I. Chester, a SM photographer is among those who suffered damage during the fire. The San Francisco Fire Chief publicly stated that there were torture chambers in the area and he expected to find dead bodies in the rubble. Firefighters and Police were seen trooping up in groups into Chester’s apartment, even the mayor of the city, came through for a personal tour. Most importantly the print, and TV media were invited to tour and film the apartment.

Chester recalls: Boxes with hundreds of my sexual photographs had disappeared, many destroyed, much of his radical sex gear, hoods, restraints and a collection of hand made long lash whips had been stolen off the wall. The Folsom Street fire was called the world’s first SM Fire. (Society of Janus Website)
1981828Steve McEachern has a heart attack at the Catacombs while engaged in a private scene with his lover. He dies and the Catacombs close.
19818A Folsom Street fire destroyed the Barracks Baths and the studios of both the artist, Rex, and the Photographer, Mark Chester. (Jack Fritscher)
19818Death of Tony Taverossi, one of the inventors of the leather bar, from AIDS related pneumonia.
19811030The Catacombs #2 opens at 736 Larken in San Francisco.
198110German SM-lesbians meet and decide to create address distribution centers in various cities as a form of infrastructure. This is the first known attempt at organization among German SM-lesbians.
198112GMSMA holds its first Bizarre Bazaar at the Mineshaft in New York City.
1981Calendar by Rex. the artist
1981Publication of Bound Pleasures magazine by Harmony begins. (GHardy)
1981Publication of Anal Pleasure & Health by Jack Morin, PhD
1981Publication of Chapters from an Autobiography by Sam Steward
1981Publication of Coming to Power by Samois. Collection of articles on SM published by San Francisco based women’s SM organization Samois
1981Publication of Construction Worker by Larry Townsend
1981Publication of Deviations Directory by Matriarch Publications.
1981Publication of High-Heeled and Dominant Magazine (GHardy)
1981Publication of Man Sword, previously published as The Fairy King, by Larry Townsend
1981Publication of New Treasury of SM 2 by Larry Townsend
1981Publication of Power Gods 2 + 2 by Larry Townsend
1981Publication of The Fledermaus Anthology by Larry Townsend. Collection of explicit gay male SM short stories by Tony De Blasé writing as Fledermaus
1981Publication of Whitewater Run by Victor Terrys Fictionalized portrayal of the Pocono Warriors Whitewater Weekend Run
1981Bar openings include Spike, Munich and Stellwerk, Berlin. Buddy Bar in Berlin and Tiger’s Paw in New Orleans close.
1981San Francisco Eagle founded. At the time it was just one of the many leather bars in the city, but it has endured to become the oldest leather bar in San Francisco.
1981The Drummer Key Club, a male leather version of the Playboy clubs, opens at Folsom & 11th in San Francisco. Advertised as the first of a nationwide chain, others never open, and quickly evolves into a series of more typical leather bars: Drummaster, then the Gold Coast, and finally the Compound, a private sex club which closed in 1984.
1981Early 1980’s: Janus membership was starting to change. Meetings that had been attracting mostly primarily gay men started attracting more heterosexual men. Also the people that had actively “recruited” gay men for Janus began to disappear as well. In the mid 1980’s, Janus had become a group of mostly straights. (Society of Janus Website)
1981Formation of Confederation of New York Area Clubs NY
1981Formation of Defenders NY
1981Formation of FIST (F.F.A.) Chicago, IL
1981Formation of Florida Brotherhood of Clubs Orlando, Fl
1981Formation of GMSMA New York City
1981Formation of Knights of Malta-Yosemite Fresno, CA
1981Formation of Lesbian Sex Mafia (LSM) New York City
1981Formation of Motorcycle Men of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM
1981Formation of MSC Suisse Romande Laussane
1981Formation of Satyricons MC Las Vegas, NV
1981Formation of Sisters of Scota WMC San Francisco, CA
1981Formation of SM Gays London, England
1981Formation of South Florida Council disband.
1981Formation of Stillettos Jacksonville, FL
1981Formation of Stingrays New Jersey
1981Titles: Drummer 1981 Ray Pereyra
1981Titles: IML Marty Kiker
1982910Chicago Hellfire Club returns to September dates and holds Inferno 11 on two sites in Douglas and Saugatuck, MI. Ken Hocking of Sydney Australia receives the Caligula Award.
1982213The Catacombs #3 opens on Shotwell St in San Francisco.
19821023The first ever LA Janus meeting took place in the Los Feliz area of Los Angeles. Twenty-three people showed up for that meeting. LA Janus quickly becomes an organization primarily made up of heterosexual men and a few bisexual women. (Society of Janus Website)
1982Publication of The Enema as an Erotic Art and its History by David Barton-Jay. Coffee table book on enemas
1982Publication of Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis by R.E. Linden
1982Publication of Below The Belt by Phil Andros
1982Publication of Die furchtbare Wahrheit by Maria Marcus. Published in German
1982Publication of Dominating Females (Ghardy)
1982Publication of Faustus Contract by Larry Townsend Previously published as Billy’s Club
1982Publication of History of Erotic Literature by Patrick J. Kearney
1982Publication of Masochism, A Jungian View by Lyn Cowan
1982Publication of Quatrefoil by James Barr
1982Publication of The Long Leather Cord (Re-print) by Larry Townsend
1982Publication of The Mack Anthology by Larry Townsend
1982Publication of The New Treasury of SM 3 by Larry Townsend
1982Publication of The New Treasury of SM by Larry Townsend
1982Publication of The Rose Exterminator by William Carney Unsuccessful sequel to The Real Thing
1982Publication of Three Bulls in Debauchery by RFM
1982Publication of Three Bulls Meets the RubberMaster by RFM
1982Target Studios Publishes this calendar (GHardy)
1982Formation of Catharsis (women) Portland, OR
1982Formation of Conductors LLC Nashville, TN
1982Formation of Corpus Christi MC Corpus Christi, TX
1982Formation of Countrymen Detroit, MI
1982Formation of Crucible MC Pittsburgh, PA
1982Formation of Dayton Gryphons Dayton, Ohio
1982Formation of Dreizehn Boston, MA
1982Formation of Gaucho MC Tampa, Fl
1982Formation of Harbor Masters Maine
1982Formation of Knights of Malta – Cascade Chapter Portland, Oregon
1982Formation of Leathermasters, Inc Los Angeles, Ca
1982Formation of MSC East MerciaGerman
1982Formation of Northern Chaps Edmonton, Canada
1982Formation of Rainbow MC San Francisco, CA
1982Formation of Saber MC Ft Lauderdale, FL
1982Formation of Somandros Los Angeles, CA
1982Formation of Texas MC Dallas, TX
1982Formation of Tower City Corps Cleveland, OH
1982Formation of Trident International - DC DC
1982Formation of Trident International Detroit, MI
1982Formation of Vancouver Activists in SM (VASM) Vancouver, BC
1982The 15 Association has their 2nd anniversary
1982Titles: Drummer 1982 Luke Daniel
1982Titles: IML Luke Daniel
1983817An ad-hoc committee of GMSMA issues a report: Proposed New Statement of Identity and Purpose using the phrase safe, sane, and consensual
19839Publication in London of the first issue of SMART, A journal of SM how-to modeled after DungeonMaster. It lasts for three issues.
198312Growing Pains by the Society of Janus, features John Savage, Mistress Nan and Noni Howard.
1983Bunkhouse Bar Poster by “The HUN” (Ghardy)
1983Le Salon Leather Calendar
1983Publication of Adventures of Drum by Larry Townsend
1983Publication of Body and The Dream by Jennifer Birkett French Erotica from 1464-1900 translated
1983Publication of Boys in Blue by Phil Andros
1983Publication of Correct Sadist by Terence Sellers
1983Publication of Different Strokes by Phil Andros
1983Publication of Dominant Women, Submissive Men by Gina Graham Scott
1983Publication of Mind Master (re-print) by Larry Townsend
1983Publication of Mister Benson by John Preston
1983Publication of My Brother My Self by Phil Andros
1983Publication of Roman Conquest by Phil Andros
1983Publication of Sadomasochism. Studies in Dominance and Submission by Thomas A. Wienberg and G.W. Levi Kamel First Edition summarizes the historical research on SM and promotes the empirical sociological viewpoint
1983Publication of Scrapbook by Larry Townsend
1983Publication of Shuttlecock by Phil Andros
1983Publication of Sticky Whips (Ghardy)
1983Publication of The Leatherman’s Handbook II by Larry Townsend
1983Publication of The New Treasury of SM Vol 4 by Larry Townsend
1983Publication of WHIP (Ghardy)
1983Publication of The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty by A. N. Roquelaure (AKA Anne Rice) This is the first volume of what will become the Sleeping Beauty trilogy
1983The Video, Red Ball Express is released
1983Death of Jack Jackson, President of The Eulenspiegel Society for almost a decade (Ghardy)
1983Formation of Avatar in Los Angeles
1983Formation of City Bikers MC Denver, CO
1983Formation of Cowtown Leathermen Ft Worth, TX
1983Formation of Illustrated Men Los Angeles, CA
1983Formation of Knights Templar San Francisco, CA
1983Formation of Leather and Lace (women) Los Angeles, CA
1983Formation of Lords of Leather New Orleans, LA
1983Formation of Manchester Super Chain Manchester, ENG
1983Formation of Shelix (women)North Hampton, Mass
1983Formation of Texas Conference of Clubs TX
1983Samois, the nation’s first women’s SM organization, disbands in San Francisco.
1983Titles: IML Colt Thomas
1983Titles: Drummer 1983A John Garger
1983Titles: Drummer 1983B David Earl Lee 1st runner up who later assumed the title
1984624Watering Hole Holds Gay freedom Day
19846GMSMA organizes its first Leather Pride Night in New York City.
19849The first Folsom Street Fair is held in San Francisco.
1984Publication of Asian Bondage by Esoteric Press (Ghardy)
1984Publication of Beauty’s Punishment by A.N. Roquelaure (Anne Rice) Second in the Sleeping Beauty Trilogy
1984Publication of Bossy beauties, Fantasy World, Super Bitch and WhipMistress (GHardy)
1984Publication of Corporal in Charge of Taking Care of Captain O’Malley by Jack Fritscher Collection of short stories
1984Publication of DAM Erotic Art
1984Publication of I Once Had a Master by John Preston
1984Publication of Inferno XII by Zeus
1984Publication of Kinky Kontacts (Ghardy)
1984Publication of Leather Blues by Jack Fritscher
1984Publication of Master of Discipline by Lyndon Distributors
1984Publication of The Mineshaft by Tim Barrus
1984Publication of Parisian Lives by Sam Steward
1984Publication of Sarah Foster in Bondage by Harmony Concepts (GHardy)
1984Publication of Sadism & Masochism: A Look at Sadistic Love and Masochism by Albert Eulenburg
1984Publication of SM Scrapbook 2 by Larry Townsend
1984Publication of The Brig by Mason Powell Novel previously serialized in Drummer
1984Publication of The Hun Book 1 by Probe
1984Publication of The New Leathermans Workbook by Larry Townsend
1984Publication of The New Treasury of SM 6 by Larry Townsend
1984Publication of The New Treasury of SM Volume 5 by Larry Townsend
1984Publication of The Raging Peace by Atremis Oakgrove First in the Throne Trilogy of lesbian Leatherish erotica
1984Publication of Urban Aboriginals by Geoff Mains
1984Publication of the Lesbian S/M magazine, On Our Backs, begins. The magazine is still in existence. (Ghardy)
1984An Ad for Paddles S&M Club
1984Lady Thorn sponsors her first Bizarre Flea Market in San Francisco.
1984San Francisco closes bathhouses and sex clubs in an effort to limit the spread of AIDS.
1984The American medical philosopher Frederick Suppe shows that all diagnosis included in the diagnostic groups of Aparaphilias (perversions) can be substituted by other, non-sexual diagnosis. He concludes that the current classification of sexual disorders by the American Psychiatric Association in DMS-III is merely the codification of social mores.
1984Formation of Arizona Gay Rodeo Association
1984Formation of California Eagles San Francisco, CA
1984Formation of Chicagoland Discussion Group Chicago, IL
1984Formation of Copperstate Leathermen Assoc Phoenix, AZ
1984Formation of Defenders of Mithra (women) Portland, OR
1984Formation of Disciples of DeSade Dallas, TX
1984Formation of GLSM Hamburg Hamburg Great Midwestern Society for the Promotion and Proliferation of S&M
1984Formation of On Motor Club Paris, France
1984Formation of Outcasts (women) San Francisco, Ca
1984Formation of Pittsburgh MC Pittsburgh, PA
1984Formation of Riders Boston MC Boston, MA
1984Formation of Severn Link MSC Bristol, UK
1984Formation of SigMa Maryland
1984Formation of Tridents MC Boston, MA
1984Formation of Two Wheelers (T.W.O.) Omaha, Nebraska
1984Formation of Wasatch Leathermen MC Salt Lake City, UT
1984Formation of Wings MCMemphis, TN
1984Titles: Drummer 1984 Sonny Cline
1984Titles: IML 1984 Ron Moore, 1st black man to hold the title
19857Ringold Alley, a favorite nighttime cruising ground for leathermen, is the site of the first Ringold Alley Fair, a charity fundraiser sponsored by Up Your Alley Productions, a group in which IML 85 Patrick Toner plays a very prominent role.
19851111GMSMA holds its first Leatherfest in New York City.
198511New York City officials for “health” reasons close The Mineshaft.
19851224Above photo taken Christmas Eve 1985. A.J. wrote the astrological column for Drummer, which originated in the original Advocate (per Jeannie Barney)
1985Mans Country Poster by Etienne
1985Publication of Beautiful Flagellants of New York by Lord Drialys
1985Publication of Beauty’s Release by A.N. Roquelaure (Anne Rice) Third in the Sleeping Beauty trilogy
1985Publication of Bondage Moods by Sir Frank through Harmony Concepts (GHardy)
1985Publication of Care & Training of the Male Slave III by Robert Payne
1985Publication of Erotic Art of Etienne Vol 2 by Falcon Studios
1985Publication of Exit to Eden by Anne Rampling (Anne Rice)
1985Publication of Kinkiest magazine by Esoteric Press. (GHardy)
1985Publication of Sado Island by Zeus
1985Publication of Experiences of Flagellation by Amateur Flagellant
1985Publication of M Contrasts by Larry Townsend
1985Publication of New Treasury of SM volume 7 by Larry Townsend
1985Publication of Of Dungeons, Barns and Slaves by Larry Townsend
1985Publication of Physical Interrogation Techniques by Richard W. Krousher (Tony De Blasé). A how to manual for interrogation and torture NOTE: Tony DeBlase uses the pen names of Fledermaus as well as Pipistrelle: Drummer 16 MaleCall letter
1985Publication of School Master by Larry Townsend
1985Publication of Slave’s Gambit by Larry Townsend
1985Publication of Storytime Vol 1 by Etienne
1985Publication of Studbuster’s by Larry Townsend
1985Publication of StudBusters II by Larry Townsend
1985Publication of Torture by Edward Peters
1985Publication of Women’s Rites, Scenes from the Erotic Imagination by Jeanne de Berg
1985Publications of Whips and Stones by Larry Townsend and Victor Terry
1985Publicaton of Slaves of the Empire by Aaron Travis Previously serialized in Drummer
1985The first Mr. Mid-Atlantic Leather contest held in Washington DC. Sponsored by Centaur MC.
1985Artist Daniel Kelly retrospective at Corsh Gallery in Chicago. Kelly’ art blends religious, sexual and SM themes.
1985Leon Golub retrospective at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. Golub’s subject matter is larger than life size canvases of instances of torture, often based on actual cases.
1985Norman Breslow and colleagues become the first researchers to report the existence of non-prostitute female sadomasochists. The research community does not accept their results, which contradict one of the most cherished beliefs among Freudians, behaviorists, and sociologists, until the late 1990’s
1985The Fraser Report, Report of Special Commission on Pornography and Prostitution is issued in Canada. It sets three tiers of “obscenity”. Sexually violent or “degrading” activities are deemed worse than everything except child pornography.
1985Formation of Hartford Colts Hartford, CT
1985Formation of Knights of Leather (women) Minneapolis, MN
1985Formation of Krew de Cuir San Francisco, CA
1985Formation of LMC Vienna Austria
1985Formation of Men in Boots Vancouver, BC
1985Formation of Moor Cocks New York
1985Formation of Ms Rocky Mountain Leather Association Denver, CO
1985Formation of MSC Iceland Iceland
1985Formation of Oklahoma Linemen OK
1985Formation of People Exchanging Power (PEP) an SM club open to all genders and orientations is founded in Phoenix by Nancy Ava Miller, who goes on to found several similar organizations across the country.
1985Formation of River City Outlaws San Antonio, TX
1985Formation of Seattle Dungeon Guild Seattle, WA
1985Formation of T-Bears (women) Boston, MA
1985Formation of Texas Renegades Houston, TX
1985Formation of Total Devotion and Alliance Club (TDA) Atlanta, GA
1985Formation of Tradesmen Charlotte, NC
1985The Tom of Finland foundation, a not for profit corporation formed to preserve the art of Tom of Finland, and to promote erotic art and artists, is founded in Los Angeles.
1985The Defenders of Mithra begin sponsorship of the Oregon State Leather Woman title.
1985Titles: Drummer 1985 Steve Reiswig of Seattle
1985Titles: IML 1985 Patrick Toner
19866Steve Maidhof forms The National Leather Association in Seattle with the help of a few other leather men and women.
1986822Desmodus Inc. (Tony DeBlase & partner), publisher of DungeonMaster, purchases Drummer, Mach, and Foreskin Quarterly magazines from Alternate Publishing (John Embry). Desmodus relocates from Chicago to San Francisco.
198610The newly formed National Leather Association hosts the first Living in Leather Conference in Seattle.
198611GMSMA spearheads organizing a special Leather-S/M contingent for the 1987 March on Washington.
1986Publication of Dick by Tom of Finland
1986Publication of Entertainment for a Master by John Preston
1986Publication of Erotic Coloring Book by Naomi
1986Publication of Men in Bondage, 2nd Book by Larry Townsend
1986Publication of More Dungeons, Barns and More Slaves by Larry Townsend
1986Publication of Navy by Tom of Finland
1986Publication of Sex Magick by Ian Young Collection of poems
1986Publication of Sex on The Train by Tom of Finland
1986Publication of Sexual Magic by Michael A. Rosen Collection of SM photographs together with thoughts about SM by the subjects of the photos, most of whom are members of the SM organization Janus, is self published by San Francisco photographer Michael A. Rosen
1986Publication of SM Contrasts by Larry Townsend
1986Publication of Tales of Discipline, Obedience and Submission by Larry Townsend
1986Publication of The Sexual Perspective, Homosexuality and Art in the last 100 years in the West by Emmanuel Cooper Second Edition 1994
1986Publication of Torture Times by the 15th Association. I do not know the original publishing date, but this copy was dated 1986
1986Publication of You Will Obey magazine (GHardy)
1986Lee Willis begins The Studworks in Seattle and quickly becomes recognized as the foremost artisan at creating studded leatherwork.
1986The Loft, a premier SM club in New York is opened. (GHardy)
1986Saddlelite Poker Run Pin (unknown founding date)
1986In a literature survey from 1977 to 1984, Breslow and colleagues can only find five empirical studies on sadomasochism. Of these, only one study (Spengler 1977) gives enough data to be evaluated or replicated. In their own study on male sadomasochists, Breslow and colleagues point out that there is no data that would justify subdividing sadomasochists into groups such as sadist and masochist based on role preference.
1986The film 9½ Weeks directed by Adrian Lyne, staring Kim Basinger and Mickey Rourke opens in the USA.
1986Formation of Bournemouth MSC UK
1986Formation of Club Mud Rio Nido, CA
1986Formation of Defenders Tampa, FL
1986Formation of Diablo Deviates DV8s East Bay, CA
1986Formation of Essex Leather MSC UK
1986Formation of FireDancers LLC Dallas, TX
1986Formation of Golden Gate Guards San Francisco, Ca
1986Formation of Griffins MC Wilmington, DE
1986Formation of LA Roundtable Los Angeles, CA
1986Formation of NLA - International
1986Formation of PEP - Denver Denver, CO
1986Formation of PEP - New Mexico Albuquerque, NM
1986Formation of Portland Power & Trust Portland, OR
1986Formation of The National Leather Association Seattle, WA
1986Formation of Trident International Los Angeles, CA
1986Formation of Utica Tri’s New York
1986Formation of Windy City Bondage Club Chicago, IL
1986Sallee Huber, Sashie Hyatt, and Judy Tallwing McCarthy form Portland Power and Trust, a woman-to-woman SM organization in Portland Oregon.
1986Titles: Drummer 1986 Mike Murray of San Diego
1986Titles: Drummer boy 1986 Bill Bryan
1986Titles: IML 1986 1st runner up Jim Ed Thompson
1986Titles: IML 1986 Scott Tucker of Philadelphia
1986Titles: Seattle Leather Woman title begins.
1987828NLA’s Living In Leather II is held in Seattle. Tony DeBlase of San Francisco, and Susie Bright of Denver, are named NLA Man and Woman of the year.
1987211Death of D. Lyn Sterling, known as The Leathermaker. He originated many unique designs in leather clothing (and toys), including chaps with the zippers on the outside! And was for many years Leathermaker to the stars in Los Angeles.
1987325Robert D. Reite begins SM Board in Los Angeles, one of the first telephone bulletin boards specifically catering to SM men. SM board is now accessible by direct dial, telnet, and the World Wide Web. It celebrated its 10th anniversary in 1997.
19875Publication of The Leather Journal by David Rhodes begins in Los Angeles.
19875The National Leather Association holds its first May Day conference in Seattle. Cellar is named the first Mr. National Leather Association and Jan Brown of Vancouver BC is named the first Ms National Leather Association.
198781The first Mr. & Ms Vancouver BC Leather Contest is held.
19871010A National Leather Conference is held in Washington DC on the day before the march. Barry Douglas of GMSMA is the prime organizer, NLA organizes the panels. Judy Tallwing McCarthy gives keynote address. Thousands attend and the next days march, for the first time, behind a banner using the phrase “Safe-Sane-Consensual”.
19871011Hundreds of thousands, including thousands of leather people of all orientations, march and rally in Washington DC for the 1987 March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay rights.
198711Publication of Bound & Gagged magazine begins. (GHardy)
1987Advertisement for Outrageous Women Magazine
1987Advertisement for The Power Exchange Newsleather. (GHardy)
1987Publication of B&D Trios, Blonde Dominas, Blonde Domination, and Fetish Mistresses (GHardy)
1987Publication of Celluloid Closet: Homosexuality in the Movies by Vito Russo
1987Publication of Favorite Bondage Photos by Larry Townsend
1987Publication of Hell’s Angels by Yves Lavigne
1987Publication of Masters by Larry Townsend
1987Publication of Mistress Knows Best and Dominant Daydreams magazines (GHardy)
1987Publication of Nighthawk by Artemis Oakgrove
1987Publication of Slavery in the Arab World by Murray Gordon First American edition 1989
1987Publication of Fantasy & Magic by Larry Townsend
1987Publication of Stand by Your Man by Jack Fritscher
1987Publication of The Green Hotel by Gordon Hoban writing as Tom Hardy
1987Publication of The Perils of Topanga Tess Vol 1 and 2 by Harmony Concepts (GHardy)
1987Publication of The Thief’s Journal by Jean Genet
1987Publication of To Take a Slave by Larry Townsend
1987Following the traffic of leathermen cruising, Up Your Alley moves it’s San Francisco leather Charity Street fair from Ringold Alley to Dore Alley, across from the Powerhouse.
1987Ms. Constance “Marie Constance” organizes and hosts the annual Dressing for Pleasure Erotic Ball, one of the first major public events for heterosexual SM and fetish aficionados (GHardy)
1987The British police conclude Operation Spanner with the arrests of several gay men participating in a private party where consensual SM was going on.
1987The sexologist Charles Moser and psychologist Eugene E. Levitt publish the results of an empirical study on sadomasochists.
1987Formation of Atlanta S/M Solidarity Atlanta, GA
1987Formation of Black Rose Washington, DC
1987Formation of Blazers LL Assoc Orlando, Fl
1987Formation of Boston Ducks Boston, MA
1987Formation of Capital City Riders Austin, TX
1987Formation of Celestial Krewe de Cuir San Francisco, CA
1987Formation of Defenders Philadelphia, PA
1987Formation of Desert Leathermen Tucson, AZ
1987Formation of Oberons Milwaukee, WI
1987Formation of Open Road Riders of Chicago (ORROC) Chicago, IL
1987Formation of PEP - Washington DC Washington, DC
1987Formation of Portland Leathermen Portland, OR
1987Formation of Sisterhood of Steel Denver, CO
1987Formation of Suendikat Hamburg, Germany
1987Formation of T-Bears Dallas, TX
1987The German SM-group Suendikat Hamburg is formed. By 1995, it will have about 100 members, roughly half of them women. This is the first known heterosexual SM group in Germany.
1987Titles: IMsL Judy Tallwing McCarthy
1987Titles: Drummer 1987 Mark Alexander
1987Titles: IML 1987 Thomas Karasch
1987Titles: Mr. NLA 1987 T.K. Cellar
1987Titles: Ms. NLA 1987 Jan Brown
1988108NLA’s Living in Leather III Conference is held in Seattle. Alan Selby and Gayle Rubin, both of San Francisco, are named NLA man and woman of the year.
19881Publication of Thesandmutopia Guardian and Dungeon Journal by Desmodus Inc.. Dungeon Journal is a SM how-to publication similar to DungeonMaster but written for all genders and sexual orientations. Carol Truscott is editor.
1988210The Gold Coast, Chicago’s best known leather bar, closes after 28 years of operation.
1988213A conference of Leather-S/M men and women is held in Dallas, an outgrowth of the Oct. ‘87 conference in Washington DC. Its purpose is to organize a national organization. After two days of heated debate a statement of purpose and some organizational guidelines are adopted, and a steering committee is elected. The group begins functioning under the name Safe Sane Consensual Adults, SSCA.
19882Barry Douglas of New York City and Cookie Andrews-Hunt of Seattle are named the Leather Journal man and woman of the year. These are the Leather Journal’s first such awards and the beginning of what will grow into the Pantheon of Leather awards.
19883Crucible #27 Newsletter
1988621Art Agnos, Mayor of San Francisco, Declares Alan Selby Day to honor the man often called the “Mayor of Folsom St.”
19888GMSMA establishes the Hocutt-Ferguson fund to assist leather people with AIDS.
19881010The SSCA steering committee merges with the National Leather Association, SSCA members are added to the NLA board of directors and the NLA accepts the statement of purpose adopted at the Dallas Conference. Work begins on bylaws.
1988Publication of First Hand Events #1 in magazine format, featuring the International Mr. Leather contest. #2, also published in 1988 covers the Gay Rodeo circuit. No further issues were published.
1988Publication of Leather Ads M (re-print) by Larry Townsend
1988Publication of Leather Ads S (re-print) by Larry Townsend
1988Publication of Macho Sluts by Pat Califia
1988Publication of Rituals of the Gag by Larry Townsend Sexual Domination Today: Sadomasochism and Domination-submission
1988Publication of Rituals by Larry Townsend
1988Publication of SM Reader by Larry Townsend
1988Publication of Super Adventures of Harry Chess by A Jay
1988Publication of The Lesbian SM Safety Manual by Pat Califia
1988Publication of Tied up With Love by Larry Townsend
1988Publication of Tom of Finland Retrospective, The Coffee Table book of Tom’s Art and Life
1988Publication of Domination Digest, Fetter and Mistress of Domination by Kane Photo Publications. (GHardy)
1988Jaye Evans opens the Atlanta Eagle as the first definite leather bar in that city.
1988Establishment of the Human Sexuality Collection at Cornell University Library. David B. Goodstein, longtime publisher of The Advocate, and Bruce Voeller, early leader of the National Gay Task Force, are the driving forces behind its creation. The Mariposa Education and Research Foundation donated its huge collection of papers, photographs, art, films, etc. to form the core of the new Cornell collection.
1988Formation of Black Fire SMC Syracuse, NY
1988Formation of Cincinnati Chaps Cincinnati, OH
1988Formation of COMMAND MC Baltimore, MD
1988Formation of Corpus Christie Rebels Corpus Christie, TX
1988Formation of Esoterica Society, The Boston, MA
1988Formation of Gay Male S/M Cooperative (GMSMC) Philadelphia, PA
1988Formation of Harley Stroker’s Portland, OR
1988Formation of Hot Ash Washington, DC
1988Formation of Knights Templar, SF, disbands.
1988Formation of Lion Regiment Boise, ID
1988Formation of MasT Chicago Chicago, IL
1988Formation of Midnight Police Leather Society Rochester, NY
1988Formation of New York Bondage Club New York
1988Formation of Panthers L/L Atlanta, GA
1988Formation of Philadelphia Uniform Patrol (PUP) Philadelphia, PA
1988Formation of Pittsburgh Bondage Club Pittsburgh, PA
1988Formation of Safe Sane Consensual Adults (SSCA) Dallas, TX
1988Formation of SC Lock South Carolina
1988Formation of Second of June Society (Mens SM) San Diego, CA
1988Formation of Southbay Leather and Uniform Group (SLUG), San Jose, CA
1988Formation of Southern California Leather Association CA
1988Formation of The New Tribe (TNT) SC, Columbia
1988Formation of Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Associations (T.U.L.S.A.) Tulsa, OK
1988Formation of Western Massachusetts Power Exchange MA
1988Formation of Wrench Benders Los Angeles, CA
1988Titles: Drummer 1988 Ron Zehel
1988Titles: IML 1988 Michael Pereya
1988Titles: IMsL 1988 Shan Carr of Portland, Oregon
1988Titles: Mr. NLA 1988 Steve Maidhoff
1988Titles: Ms NLA 1988 Cherie Matisse
1989107NLA’s Living in Leather IV conference is held in Portland, OR. Geoff Mains and Cynthia Slater receive the NLA Lifetime Achievement Awards. Dr. Nan Borrows gives the keynote address.
19892The Leather Journal names Alan Selby man of the year and names Shan Carr and Judy Tallwing McCarthy jointly Women of the year.
19893Trash, a woman-to-woman SM organization is founded in Vancouver BC. Disbands in 1990.
198958Fred Halsted, erotic film actor, director, producer, as well as leather writer and magazine publisher, commits suicide in Los Angeles.
1989528Tony DeBlase presents his design for a leather pride flag to the audience at International Mr. Leather, the first time the flag is presented to the public.
19895Susie Shepherd, International Ms Leather 1989, is the first woman to appear on the cover of The Leather Journal #15. The decision is not popular with magazine readers
19896Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, GMSMA organizes a massive leather contingent for the New York City parade.
19896The Leather Pride flag is carried by the leather contingent in the Portland OR pride parade; it’s first appearance at such an event. (A week preceding pride parades in San Francisco and New York City, where it is also flown).
1989726US Senate passes the NEA funding bill with the Helms Amendment. This is probably the first time SM is mentioned in a US law.
19891017The Loma Parieta earthquake shakes the San Francisco Bay area virtually destroying the buildings containing the Drummer offices, the Lone Star Saloon and many other leather oriented businesses, as well as the homes of many leather people.
198910Cynthia Ann Slater, founder of the Society of Janus, dies of AIDS in San Francisco
1989114NLA: Los Angeles sponsors Bondage as Art show at Leonardogavici Art Gallery. Bondage themed paintings, drawings, collage, photography, and inanimate sculpture are augmented by living bondage sculptures created by numerous artists from around the country. Huge crowds attend, including LAPD and Fire Departments who close down the show due to overcrowding of the facility.
1989Issue 12, winter 1989 Issue of GMSMA’s Newslink publication
1989Publication of The Art of John Willie
1989Publication of Emmanuelle 1 by Crepax
1989Publication of Gentle Warriors by Geoff Mains
1989Publication of In Search of A Master by John Preston
1989Publication of Lessons in Restraint magazine by Harmony Communications. (GHardy)
1989Publication of One BCby Barrett Cole, Illustrations Sean
1989Publication of Outrageous Dominas (GHardy)
1989Publication of The Language of Sadomasochism, A Glossary and Linguistic Analysis by Thomas E. Murray and Thomas R. Murrell
1989Publication of The Leatherman’s Handbook II by Larry Townsend
1989Publication of Whips, Slaves and Retribution by Larry Townsend
1989Stormy Leather opens at 1158 Howard in San Francisco. This is probably the first leather shop owned by, and operated primarily for, women
1989Fantasy 98, organized by Dustin Logan, brings a great many titleholders to Omaha Nebraska for a weekend of interaction that inspires the term a sash bash and raises over $9,000 for local charities.
1989Mid Atlantic Drummer Contest pin
1989Southern California Master and Slave Contest is created by Luke Owens at the request of a local bar owner. The first contest was held February 14, 1990. (Source: Int'l Master and Slave Contest Program dated Feb 14-17, 1992)
1989Deaths: Bob Damron, bar owner and creator of the gay bar guide; Fred Halsted, porn star, film producer, writer, and magazine publisher; Sashie Hyatt, spouse of Judy Tallwing McCarthy and leatherdyke from Hell! Organizer of many lesbian SM organizations, and driving force behind many leather dyke titleholders; Geoff Mains, author of Urban Aboriginals and Gentile Warriors.
1989California Motor Club of San Francisco disbands after 26 years.
1989Formation of Affirmation Leathermen Illinois
1989Formation of AfreieSMuenshen Munich, Germany
1989Formation of Association des Adeptes S&M Montreal, Canada
1989Formation of Boston Unified Leather Legion (BULL) Boston, MA
1989Formation of Brotherhood of Pain Houston, TX
1989Formation of Cleveland Rangers, Inc Cleveland, Ohio
1989Formation of Fallen Idols Toronto, Canada
1989Formation of Great Lakes Bears Chicago, IL
1989Formation of Knights on Iron MC San Diego, Ca
1989Formation of Leather United Chicago, IL
1989Formation of LederClub Hamburg Hamburg, Germany
1989Formation of Links MC, The San Francisco, CA
1989Formation of Loco Ticklers Novi, MI
1989Formation of Men Shaving Men Vancouver, Canada
1989Formation of Menamore Wilmington, NC
1989Formation of Mike’s Men Boston, MA
1989Formation of Motor City Men of Leather Detroit, MI
1989Formation of NLA Denver (Also known as COPE, Colo Power Exchange) Denver, CO
1989Formation of NLA San Diego San Diego, CA
1989Formation of Omaha Players Club Omaha, Nebraska
1989Formation of Pegasas MC Owners Club San Francisco, CA
1989Formation of Red Hankies San Diego, Ca
1989Formation of Sacramento Leather Association Sacramento, CA
1989Formation of Seattle Men in Leather Seattle, Wa
1989Formation of Silver Dolphins Corpus Christi, TX
1989Formation of SLM Malmo Malmo, SWE
1989Formation of Trash MC (Women) Vancouver, BC
1989Formation of Trusted Servants San Francisco, CA
1989LA Janus had split from Janus and officially became known as Threshold. (Society of Janus Website)
1989Titles: Drummer 1989 Brian Dawson
1989Titles: Drummer boy 1989 Dieter Edwards
1989Titles: IML 1989 Guy Baldwin
1989Titles: IMsL 1989 Susie Shepherd of Portland, Oregon
1989Titles: Mr. NLA 1989 Guy Baldwin
1989Titles: Ms NLA 1989 Jan Lyon