| Tampa Bay Bears | FL | Tampa | | |
| Tampa Bay Blazers MC | FL | Tampa | | |
| Tampa Bay Bondage Club | FL | Tampa | 1992 | |
| Tampa Leather Club | FL | Tampa | | |
| Tannery Row (Women) | CA | San Anseimo | | |
| Tarheel Leather Club | NC | Greensboro | 1990 | |
| Tarnsmen, The | MD | Baltimore | 1976 | |
| Tartarus | MO | St Louis | 1993 | |
| T Bears | MA | Boston | 1985 | |
| T Bears | TX | Dallas | 1987 | |
| TCC (Mixed Group) | MA | Randolph | | |
| Teddy Bear Leather Club of Virginia | Virginia | | 1991 | |
| Tejas MC | TX | San Antonio | 1975 | |
| Temple of Hecate | OH | Cincinnati | 1991 | |
| Tennessee Gryphons | TN | Knoxville | 1999 | |
| Tennessee Leather Tribe | TN | Memphis | 1994 | |
| Tennessee Raptors | TN | Nashville | 2006 | |
| Texas Bear Club Alliance | Texas | | | |
| Texas Cadre | TX | Arlington | 1997 | |
| Texas Conference of Clubs | Texas | | 1983 | |
| Texas Lone Star Bears | TX | San Antonio | | |
| Texas MC | TX | Dallas | 1982 | |
| Texas Renegades | TX | Houston | 1985 | |
| Texas Retreads MC | TX | Dallas | | |
| Texas Riders (Originally the Warlocks & later the Cobras in Houston) | TX | Houston | 1968 | |
| Texas Riders MC (Corpus Christie Chapter) | TX | Corpus Christi | 1995 | |
| Texas Wranglers | TX | Dallas | | |
| The New Tribe (TNT) | SC | Columbia | 1988 | 1990 |
| The Next Generation(TNGC) | IL | Chicago | | |
| The Round Square Hole (TRSH) | FL | Jacksonville | 2003 | |
| Thebans MC (Originally FLLA) | FL | Miami | 1973 | |
| This Thing That We Do (T3WD) | SC | Columbia | 1999 | |
| Three Rivers Fetish Organization | IN | Fort Wayne | | |
| Three Rivers Leather Club | PA | Pittsburg | 1991 | |
| Threshold | CA | Los Angeles | 1999 | |
| THROB (Play parties) | NY | | | |
| Thunder Head Club | | | | |
| Thunderbolts MC | CT | Hartford | 1971 | |
| Thunderspuds | | | | |
| Thuringer Leder Club | | | | |
| Tidewater Bears | | | | |
| Tidewater Individuals Exploring Domination (TIED) | VA | Hampton Roads | 1995 | |
| Tied Up In Ft Smith | AK | Ft Smith | | |
| Tightrope | Nova Scotia | Halifax | | |
| Titan MC | MA | Boston | 1972 | |
| TN Flame | Tennessee | | | |
| TNG Arizona | Arizona | | 2000 | |
| TNG New Mexico | New Mexico | | | |
| Tom's Club | Finland | | | |
| Toolbox | CAN | Toronto | | |
| Tool Box Technicians | OK | Tulsa | | |
| Top of Europe (TOE) | | | | |
| Topeka Levi Leather Bears | KS | Topeka | | |
| Top n Bottom | CAN | Toronto | | |
| TOR MC | CAN | Toronto | 1970 | |
| Toronto boys of Leather | CAN | Toronto | 2003 | |
| Toronto Deaf Leather Association | CAN | Toronto | 1994 | |
| Toronto Motor Cycle Riders (TMR) | CAN | Toronto | 1978 | |
| Total Ass Involvement League (TAIL) | CA | San Francisco | 1972 | |
| Total Devotion & Allegance (TDA) | GA | Atlanta | 1985 | |
| Total Devotion & Allegance (TDA) | NC | Greensboro | | |
| Tower City Corps | OH | Cleveland | 1982 | |
| Tradesmen | NC | Charlotte | 1985 | |
| Tradewinds | IL | Chicago | 1975 | |
| Training Camp, The Durham NC | NC | Durham | 2003 | |
| Trash MC | New York | | 1974 | |
| Trash MC | CAN | Vancouver | 1989 | 1990 |
| Tremendously Intense Erotic Situations (TIES) | MN | Minneapolis | 1995 | |
| Trenton Bulls MC | NJ | Trenton | 1978 | |
| Tri State Area Power Exchange | West Virginia | | | |
| Triad Area Leather Oriented Network (TALON) | North Carolina | | | |
| Triangle Area Power Exchange (TAPE) | NC | Raleigh | | |
| Tribe MC (Later Tribe Detroit, Inc) | MI | Detroit | 1971 | |
| Tribe, The | GA | Atlanta | 1996 | |
| Tri-Cities Bears | TN | Kingsport | | |
| Tri-State Wolf Pack | OH KY IN | | | |
| Trident International - Baltimore | MD | Baltimore | 1995 | |
| Trident International - Canada | CAN | Willowdale | | |
| Trident International - Central Florida | FL | Orlando | 1998 | |
| Trident International - Cleveland | OH | Cleveland | 1973 | |
| Trident International - Columbus | OH | Columbus | 1993 | |
| Trident International - DC | DC | Washington | 1982 | |
| Trident International -Detroit | MI | Detroit | 1982 | |
| Trident International -Kingston | CAN | Kingston | | |
| Trident International - Los Angeles | CA | Los Angeles | 1986 | |
| Trident International - Massachusetts Central | MA | Worchester | | |
| Trident International - Magnolia | MS | Jackson | | |
| Trident International - Montreal | CAN | Montreal | | |
| Trident International - New Hampshire | New Hamphshire | | | |
| Trident International - New York #2 | NJ | Newark | | |
| Trident International - New York #3 | NY | Chelsea Station | | |
| Trident International - New York #1 | NY | New York | | |
| Trident International - Ohio | OH | Toledo | | |
| Trident International - Philadelphia | PA | Philadelphia | | |
| Trident International - Rochester | NY | Rochester | | |
| Trident International - South Florida | FL | Ft Lauderdale | | |
| Trident International - Toronto | CAN | Toronto | | |
| Trident International - Upstate New York | NY | Upstate | | |
| Trident International - Willowdale | CAN | Toronto | | |
| Trident International - Windy City | IL | Chicago | 1993 | |
| Trident Knights | SC | Charleston | 1993 | |
| Trident MC International | | | 1973 | |
| Tridents MC | MA | Boston | 1984 | |
| Trinity River Bears | TX | Dallas / Ft Worth | late 1990's | |
| Triskeli Guild, The | WA | Bellingham | | |
| Tri - State TCC | PA | Pittsburg | | |
| Tri - State Wolfpack | OH | Cincinnati | 1991 | |
| Trojans MSC | CAN | Toronto | 1976 | |
| Trojans MSC | CAN | Montreal | 1978 | |
| Trotsky MC | Leningrad | | | |
| Trusted Servant | CA | San Francisco | 1989 | |
| Tsarus | TN | Memphis | 1977 | |
| Tucson Arizona Levi Leathermen (TALL) | AZ | Tucson | | |
| Tucson Knight Owls (TKO) | AZ | Tucson | | |
| Tucson Levi Leathermen | AZ | Tucson | | |
| Tucson Power Exchange | AZ | Tucson | | |
| Tucson United in Leather | AZ | Tucson | 2005 | |
| Tulsa Dungeon Society | OK | Tulsa | | |
| Tulsa Rough Riders | OK | Tulsa | | |
| Tulsa Uniform & Leather Seekers Association (TULSA) | OK | Tulsa | 1988 | |
| Twilight Guard | Connecticut | | `1995 | |
| Twin Cities S&M Alliance | MN | Minneapolis | | |
| Twin Cities S&M Alliance (TCSMA) | MN | Minneapolis | | |
| Two Spirit Womble-eska | Colorado | | | |
| TWO Wheelers of Omaha (TWO) | NE | Omaha | 1984 | |